Top 6 AWS tips

Top 6 AWS tips

Clock Icon2021.03.31


It's much easier to get into AWS than it is to delve deeply into its insights. As a consequence, learning these pointers will not only help you get started with AWS faster, but it will also help you avoid common pitfalls.

1. Set a billing reminder

For its services, AWS uses a pay-as-you-use pricing model. For example, if you create a virtual machine, you must pay for it by the hour, or you will be charged for each GB of data stored.

If you fail to terminate unused virtual machines or remove data from S3, you can incur unexpected costs. Build a billing warning to prevent an unexpected billing number on your monthly AWS invoice. If your current month's costs surpass your cap, a billing warning will send you an email.

2. Pick a region

AWS has data centers all over the world that are split into regions. Before you use an AWS service, think about which region is better for your use case. Consider the following considerations when deciding on a region:

  • Do you have access to all of the services you need in the region?
  • Which area is nearest to your customers in terms of latency?
  • Is it legal for you to store and process data in the region's jurisdiction?
  • How much does it cost to run your workload in the region?

3. Switch on CloudTrail

Track every call to the AWS API with CloudTrail. A log event is created whenever you or one of your team members makes a change to your cloud infrastructure (for example, changing your firewall configuration). This helps you to troubleshoot problems and look at security incidents.

Allow CloudTrail now, and you'll be able to look through the log files later if necessary.

4. Elastic IP can be a no-cost option

Every running instance on AWS comes with one free Elastic IP. Additional EIPs for that specific running instance, on the other hand, are often paid, and in some instances, they may be costly. When EIPs are either not affiliated with any instance or are attached to a stopped instance, AWS charges its customers for them. They make sure that EIPs aren't attached to stopped instances until they're needed.

EIPs, on the other hand, can be remapped up to 100 times a month at no additional cost.

5. When collecting data from Glacier, save time and effort

Glacier is a great function for archiving records. Data extraction from Glacier, on the other hand, can be costly. Data that can be stored in the form of large zipped files should be stored. in smaller chunks, despite the fact that the process is a little tedious at first. It is better to transfer data in small chunks rather than large chunks because restoring a small-sized file in a small-sized chunk is simpler than restoring a large- This will make it easier to access and at a lower cost, because accessing a large data chunk for a small file will cost the same as retrieving the entire big data chunk.

6. Keep an eye on your S3

Mismanagement of S3 use is one of the key causes of inefficiency in AWS.

Amazon S3, is one of the most cost-effective aspects of Amazon. It comes with a number of optimization tools you can use to maximize your utilization and reduce operating costs, such as S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage or RRS. S3 RRS is the more cost-effective option for non-critical data.

Glacier is also used for data archiving and cloud data management. The service is not only fast and dependable, but also flexible and inexpensive. It's intended to be the cheapest AWS object storage class, allowing web services and apps to archive data on a shoestring budget .

Final thoughts

With the support of the above and related tricks and tips, you can drastically reduce cloud costs and fully use your cloud infrastructure resources.

How to set the billing alarm

Know more about region and zones

Choosing regions and AZ

Cloudtrail tutorial

Elastic IP

Know more about S3 Glacier


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